How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles With Milk

Milk For Dark Circles, How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles, How To Remove Dark Circles, Home Remedies For Dark Circles, Dark Circle Home Remedies, Dark Circle Treatment, Dark Circle Remedies, How To Treat Dark Circles,

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Are you sick of dark pigmentation under eyes? The tired, exhausted and unhealthy look created by the dark circles adds more age to your appearance.

Causes Of Dark Circles

Dark circles are a result of thin skin revealing blood vessels under eyes. Lack of sleep, ageing, too much of sun exposure, prolonged work on computers, allergies, constant rubbing can be reasons behind dark discoloration under the eyes.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles?

A good and quality sleep can reduce dark circles effectively. Yet we also have both temporary and permanent solutions to deal with dark circles. Temporary solutions like concealers and under eye correctors can cover dark circles but they also have side effects like skin damage. Permanent solutions are none other than home remedies which take time to reduce dark circles but they are natural and cost effective.

Milk for Dark Circles

Milk, avocado and turmeric are some of the effective methods to reduce dark circles. Milk is both times tested and science tested ingredient that has amazing properties to lighten the skin. It nourishes, moisturizes, conditions, cleanses and exfoliates the skin.

Is Milk Helpful to Remove Dark Circles?

Benefits Of Milk For Dark Circles:

  • Milk contains vitamins A and B6, which help build new skin cells.
  • The vitamin D in milk restores skin’s elasticity.
  • It contains biotin which moisturizes and promotes healthy skin.
  • The protein in it repairs skin tissues and keeps it healthy.
  • The vitamin B12 in milk naturally lightens dark skin.
  • The lactic acid and potassium moisturize and nourish skin, restoring its oil balance.
  • The calcium present in it promotes the production of collagen, which keeps skin firm and supple.
  • The magnesium in milk slows skin’s aging process and builds radiant skin.
  • The selenium in milk protects skin from harmful free radicals and sun damage.
  • Milk cleanses and moisturizes the skin which helps to fade dark circles and blemishes.

How to Use Milk to Minimize Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Here are some of the proven home remedies which help to reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Home Remedies For Dark Circles

1. Cold Milk

  • Soak 2 cotton balls in fresh, cool milk.
  • Wring out excess, place over eyes covering dark circles.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Remove cotton balls, rinse with cool water, and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a day for few weeks.
Note: Milk can be replaced by almond milk.

2. Milk and Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain vitamin C, protein, and potassium, which lighten skin, restore proper pH levels, and promote the production of collagen, which improves skin’s elasticity.
  • Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water for 3 hours.
  • Grind the seeds into a fine paste.
  • Mix with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of raw milk.
  • Apply on clean under-eye skin and leave on 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily.
Note: you can add 1 teaspoon of fresh green apple juice for added benefits.

3. Milk and Rosewater

Rose water is antibacterial and antiseptic. It protects skin from pollutants, redness, and inflammation.
  • Mix equal amounts of cold milk and rose water.
  • Soak cotton pads in the mixture and wring out excess.
  • Place the pads under your eyes and leave on 20 minutes.
  • Remove pads and rinse with cool water.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.
  • Or blend milk with fresh rose petals and follow the same process.

4. Milk and Nutmeg

Nutmeg contains elemicin, eugenol, safrole, and vitamins A, C, and B, which helps to diminish dark circles.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon of nutmeg with enough milk to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on clean under eye skin.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water after 20 minutes and pat dry.
  • Repeat at least 3 times a week to get rid of dark circles.

5. Milk and Almonds

  • Soak few almonds in water overnight.
  • Grind them into paste.
  • Mix paste with ½ teaspoon of milk.
  • Apply the mixture over eyes covering dark circles and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week to achieve desired results.
  • For added benefit, mix in 1 teaspoon of raw honey.

6. Milk and Pistachios

  • Grind pistachios using a mortar and pestle.
  • Mix pistachios with 1 teaspoon of chilled milk.
  • Apply mixture on clean under-eye skin and leave on 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily.

7. Milk and Honey

  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of warm milk and honey.
  • Apply mixture on clean under-eye skin.
  • Rinse with cool water after 20 minutes and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily.
  • For added benefit, include ½ teaspoon of turmeric.
Note: you can also use milk powder instead of warm milk.

8. Raw Milk with Lemon and Honey

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of raw milk with ¼ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice until the milk curdles.
  • Stir in 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Gently massage the mixture around the eyes for 4 minutes.
  • Leave on 10 minutes, rinse with normal water, and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily for quick results.
  • Or mix milk and few drops of lemon juice and apply to the eyes and rinse it after 4 minutes.
  • Follow this method 3 times a week.

9. Milk with Coconut Oil and Chickpea flour

  • In a blender, mix 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 tablespoons each of chickpea flour and turmeric.
  • Melt 1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil.
  • Add coconut oil, ¼ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, and ½ teaspoon of raw honey to blender and mix again until smooth.
  • Apply the paste over eyes covering dark circles.
  • Let it rest for 15 – 20 minutes and wipe off with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

10. Milk with Cucumber and Lemon Juice

You can observe the result in 15 days if you follow the remedy daily.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of raw cow milk, 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice and 2-3 drops of lemon lemon juice.
  • Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  • Soak a clean cotton ball in the mixture and place them over eyes.
  • After 5 – 7 minutes, rinse it off with cool water.
  • Repeat daily.

11. Milk with Tomato and Turmeric

Tomato has skin lightening properties and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. This combination also reduces puffiness under eyes.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of tomato puree, pinch of turmeric, ¼ teaspoon each of lemon juice and gram flour.
  • Apply this mixture under eyes and leave until it dries.
  • Soak a cotton pad in milk, squeeze the excess, and gently cleanse the mixture under eyes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

12. Milk with Chickpea, Turmeric and Honey

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour, 1 or 2 tablespoons of whole full fat milk, 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey, few drops of coconut oil and lemon juice.
  • Apply this mask under eyes and let it rest for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Later, remove the mask using a damp cloth.
  • Repeat the process 3 times a week.

13. Milk Powder and Almond Oil

  • Mix equal quantities of almond oil and milk powder to make a paste.
  • Apply it over dark circles and let it dry.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water after few minutes and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process 2 times a week.
Note: You can replace milk powder with milk

14. Milk and Lemon Peels

  • Dry the zest of one lemon in the sun.
  • Grind dried lemon zest into powder.
  • Mix lemon powder with enough milk to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste over dark circles and leave it to dry.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.
  • Store the lemon peel powder for further usage.

15. Milk with Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of gram flour, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, 4 – 5 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of milk.
  • Apply this mixture on clean under eye skin and leave on 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

16. Milk and Potato

  • Peel and grate one potato.
  • Puree it in a blender and strain through cheesecloth to extract juice.
  • Mix equal quantities of potato juice and milk.
  • Use cotton balls to apply on clean under-eye skin and leave on 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily.

17. Milk Cream and Castor Oil

Castor oil rejuvenates, moisturizes, and lightens the skin.
  • Mix equal amounts of castor oil and fresh milk cream.
  • Wash your face before applying the paste as it cleans the dust, impurities and make up and opens up pores for deep absorption.
  • Apply the mixture under eyes and wait for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

18. Milk Cream with Honey and Saffron

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of milk cream, 1 saffron strand, and 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Gently massage this mixture on clean under eye skin for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Leave on 10 minutes and rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  • Repeat daily.
  • Or you can massage only milk cream around your eyes for few minutes and rinse it off.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

19. Coconut Milk

  • Grate and extract milk from coconut.
  • Soak 2 cotton balls in coconut milk and place them over eyes.
  • Leave on 60 minutes before going to bed.
  • Rinse with cool water next day and pat dry.
  • Repeat nightly.
  • Or you can gently massage the coconut milk.

Tips and Precautions:

  • Drink milk or skim milk daily unless you are lactose intolerant.
  • Application of breast milk under eyes also helps to reduce dark circles.
  • Raw milk is milk is more beneficial when compare to boiled milk as it is not processed and pasteurized.
  • Don’t follow any home remedies if you have any eye allergies.
  • Don’t get milk in your eyes.
  • Eat a healthy diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Reduce stress through yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises.
  • If these remedies don’t help, ask your doctor if your dark circles may indicate a more serious underlying health condition.
  • If you work with a computer, rest your eyes every 20 minutes by closing them for 60 seconds.
You have to follow above home remedies at least 3 times a week to observe the results.

Home Remedies

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