How To Use Tea Bags To Remove Dark Circles Fast

Tea Bags For Dark Circles, How To Use Tea Bags For Dark Circles, How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles, How To Remove Dark Circles, Home Remedies For Dark Circles, Dark Circle Home Remedies, Dark Circle Treatment, Dark Circle Remedies, How To Treat Dark Circles,

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under your eyes generally imply that the darkening is primarily below both eyes.
This is different from bruising caused by trauma or redness and swelling caused by infection around only one eye, though serious looking, are relatively easy to get rid of from the comfort of your home.

Causes of Dark Circles

Dark circles can affect both men and women. Now there are many reasons for dark circles to appear under your eyes; from stress, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle, hereditary and many more. 

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?

If dark circles are not treated on time, they will not only dull your overall appearance, it can also lead to serious health issues. Though chemical based products helps in getting rid of them, but then there are many who have an extremely sensitive skin and only pure home remedies can help them. 

Tea Bags For Dark Circles

Everyday items such as tea bags can be used to treat this problem. Only specific tea bags can be used for treating dark circles, those that include lots of caffeine, tannins and anti – oxidants are the best, and help to soothe the skin and lighten the area around the eyes.

Do Tea Bags Remove Dark Circles?

Benefits Of Tea Bags For Dark Circles:

Tea bags are an economical and proven way to reduce dark circles without any side effects. Here is how:
  • The anti – oxidants in tea bags makes it a good remedy for treating dark circles and reducing puffiness.
  • The caffeine content shrinks blood vessels and reduces the fluid retention in the tissues around the eyes.
  • It contains tannins that not only gives flavor and color to the tea but also stimulates blood circulation.
  • Tea bags have anti – inflammatory and soothing properties.
  • It contains theophylline which permeates the skin to decrease the subcutaneous fat by dehydrating the skin cells and reducing the inflammation.
  • It contains alkaloids that promote the healthy skin growth around the eyes.
  • Tea bags, especially green tea bags, contain EGCG, an anti-inflammatory that removes under eye fluid buildup.

How To Use Tea Bags For Dark Circles?

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Soaked and cooled tea bags can be placed directly on dark circles.

Method 1:

  • Steep 2 tea bags (green or white or black) in a glass of hot water for few minutes.
  • Squeeze the bags to remove any liquid.
  • Place in a refrigerator for about 15 – 20 minutes to cool.
  • Wash your face with cool water and pat the skin dry.
  • Lie down and place the chilled tea bags on eyes.
  • Leave for 15 – 20 minutes before removing.
  • Rinse your face with cool water to reduce inflammation.
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times daily.
  • Or you can place the tea bags in cool water rather than the fridge and use them directly.
  • Alternately, place unused teabags in freezer and apply this on the eyes.

Method 2:

  • Place 2 tea bags or dried chamomile herb in a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for a few minutes and take out the tea bags.
  • Let the tea cool for a few minutes and then dip two cotton pads in it.
  • Squeeze them to remove excess liquid.
  • Place on a plastic wrapper or in a zip lock bag.
  • Refrigerate it for few minutes and let it sit for 30 seconds to cool down.
  • Apply under the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  • Remove and wash the area with water.

Follow the above process for all tea bags. Here are the properties of different tea bags to know how effective they are to treat dark circles.

Chamomile Tea Bag

Chamomile tea has anti – oxidant, anti – allergenic, astringent, anti – inflammatory, bleaching, saturating and cleansing properties that lightens up the skin around the eyes and reduces fatigue. This is the only herbal tea bag you should use.

1. Green Tea Bag

Green Tea is rich in antioxidants and tannins that help to lighten the dark circles. It also reduces the puffiness and swelling and tightens the skin around the eyes. It has an astringent nature that constricts the blood vessels and capillaries under the eyes.

2. Black Tea Bags

Black tea has lots of caffeine and tannins that helps to tighten the skin and draws out the excess water to relieve dark circles and puffy eyes.

3. Peppermint Tea Bags

A cold peppermint tea compress on your eyes will help to cleanse and reduce swelling with its cooling effect. It has a strong menthol aroma that causes eyes to water and the sinus to tingle to prevent dark circles caused by skin allergies.

Tips And Precautions:

Follow these tips and precautions for quick and safe relief.
  • You should not get tea in your eyes during treatments.
  • Never use tea bags that are still hot. Use cold tea bags to reduce the inflammation and blood circulation.
  • Apply tea bags right after taking them from a fridge for best results.
  • Always apply new tea bags for each treatment.
  • Chronic eye puffiness is a sign of some serious medical conditions. So, make sure to consult your doctor if you get no relief from this problem.
  • Do a patch test for each different kind of tea bag before use.
  • Always remember to remove tea bag before adding other things to the tea.
  • Never ever open your eyes while the tea bags or cotton pads are in use.
  • Drinking any of the above teas daily helps to work from inside.
  • You also have to drink plenty of water and include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet to nourish your body.

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